Hope Springs Eternal in the Human Heart

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Pancakes...and songs...and poetry...cause hope springs eternal...

Have you ever wondered if someone on the planet actually digs you, but you don’t know it? Summer of ’99, I worked for 3 weeks at Redwood Camp at Mt Hermon. I became decent friends with a girl’s counselor named Jo-lay. She was great. The biggest thing that Jolay and I had in common (aside from Jesus and camp, of course) was that we both had crushes on the same ultra-wonderful summer staff guy at Mt Hermon, Holby. He was fabulous, loved Jesus, hot, and of course…totally out of reach for us. I don’t know if either of us had ever even spoken to him. So, we compensated…we were making pancakes out by the Meadow on a Saturday morning…and so we made pancakes in the SHAPE OF HIS NAME. that’s right, H-O-L-B-Y, in pancake batter. Yep…it’s true…

And lest all you gentlemen roll your eyes, it’s not just girls that act like this. A certain guy friend of mine, who will remain nameless, nursed a HUGE crush for a young lady (from afar) this past summer, yet downloaded songs that contained her middle name and would listen to them throughout the day. He even turned her first name into a German word that he could shout at any time…because he was freaking SMITTEN!

And so it makes me think…what if there are people out there, making pancakes in the shapes of YOUR name, or mine, or downloading songs with our names in them? (by the way, the great 70’s band Boston has already written my song, Holly Ann, so you can download it any time you like) Seriously…I found out my senior year of college that one of my guy friends liked me our sophomore year…wrote POETRY about me and everything…and yet I never knew!!

And so, all that to say…there might be someone out there doing something odd but cute only because they’re thinking of YOU.

So be encouraged. :) Perhaps someone right now is making pancakes with YOUR initials in them…YOU JUST NEVER KNOW!! Posted by Picasa

Anyone want to list their OWN true confessions about such things you've done?? :)